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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

worlds worst blogger.

Oh wow, where do I start? I love how I am the worlds best blogger and made it to Masons 11 month blog, and left the world hanging for his first birthday!!! I decided to jump back on the blog bandwagon as we have a new and beautiful addition to the Maroney family. As you know, our sweet Mya Rose entered on 6/26/13, and we have all enjoyed every second of our now complete family.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Family tradition

It is an annual Maroney / Mousaw tradition to venture to the Tree lot and cut down our own tree. This year we had our little helper with us! He was able to boss direct us towards which tree he liked the best. After an hour or so, and Mason approving, we were able to find "the perfect tree." This is my new favorite tradition :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22, 2011

My dad, your papadurr, would have been 64 years old today.  He would not have liked this green stuff this close to his favorite holiday.

I don't usually do internet messages to the deceased, but if .... by chance..... you stumble upon my horribly unorgonized little blog Happy birthday dad, you are thought about everyday. Missing you like crazy. Lots of love,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

we're simply having a wonderful christmas time

Christmas is quickly approaching , which means the days are going by faster. There are not enough hours in a day during this time. But I did set a new record this year, I was able to get my holiday card out BEFORE christmas . those of you who know me , know that is huge!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas time!

what a wonderful time of year! I must say I noticed that I am finally back to my "old Christmas spirit self" I haven't quite been my full christmas spirit self since 2003. I lost it for a bit, but by golly I'm back!
I owe a lot of it to my sweet son who has opened my eyes up to a lot this year.
He is so excited for "presents" but when you tell him Santa is bringing the presents he will say "no!" "i don't want Santa hea!"  Yes, he is deathly afraid of dear old Santa. 
We took him to Santa in the park, here in Canton and let's just say when Santa came to town Mason left. Fast.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back at it! Via mobile.

Wow this is great! I discovered tonight that there is an app for this! How exciting, now maybe I can pick up after my 1 year hiatus  (or however long it happened to be) another super awesome feature about this is I can talk to text ! Talk about lazy eh?
Well now let's see if I can post a few pictures of my little man who is growing by the second!

*since there has been such a lapse of time I will go through my pics and post favorites :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

11 months just ONE more month

wow Mason 11 months.  That means only 30 days until you have been with us for ONE whole year. O-M-G.

*OMG  your favorite song of the year by Usher.

-You are one bubbly, on-the-go, into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g most curious little boy I know.  The one thing I still can't understand is how is it that your ever moving body only requires 6-8 hours of sleep at night?  Well I shouldn't complain because you have come alonggg way since birth. So I'll take it ;)  

This month, you have soaked up so much!! Ball, Bottle, Nose, Belly, Mama, Meme, Daddy, etc...You are able to get to where you want and whatever you want, and you are VERY persistent about it. Your method of movement is your army crawl and walker. Most of the time you're traveling to an unsafe destination or trying to get something that you shouldn't have so you spend quite a bit of time yelling at us.  You continue to love Diesel, Daddy, your walker, balls, and OUTSIDE.  I would have to say being outdoors is your favorite place to be... I cringe when I think of our upcoming season!! 

~you pulled yourself up at the beginning of the month 
~also your top 2 teeth appeared - which makes four!
~you will walk behind your walker (pushing it) gaining more confidence each day. (still scared though)
~you are starting to eat a variety of soft / semi chunky foods - picky when first introduced, but usually you'll try it the second time.. We found that if you are able to feed yourself you are happier about it, must taste better ;)
~formula / water and some juice throughout the day 
~size 4 diapers
~size 12-18 clothing

The worst habit we have so far is your bedtime routine...on some nights when you are over tired and refuse to close those eyes you will scream, and scream.  We have to come in and stand over your crib - you are content with our presence and that stops you from crying.  However, you have to be fast asleep before we leave - sometimes I fall asleep on the floor with my hand in yours until I know you're fast asleep.  Daddy has had to crawl out several times because once we hit that crack in the floor - awake you will be! 

As you can see I could write all night long, but I'll leave you with this:

~I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living. My baby you'll be~

Love you more than anything Mason John!